2021 starts with great hope, for Italy and the whole world. The efforts made by scientific research have made it possible to obtain the vaccine, and we all hope that this weapon will allow us to get out of the nightmare we entered a year ago due to the global pandemic.

Also for Glass to Power, 2021 starts with a very important milestone, the result of the work carried out by its researchers and partners. In January, all the tests were successfully completed and our transparent photovoltaic glass obtained the product certification according to IEC 61730, the international reference standard for photovoltaic products. This important result allows us to putthe CE marking on our product, and therefore enter the market.

The achievement of this milestone is the result of a joint effort that involved, during last year, all Glass to Power’s team and partners. First the completion of the design phase, then the realization of the devices, and finally the start of the testing and accelerated aging phases in the laboratories of the certifying company. Not least, a quality control system has been developed that will allow all steps of the production process to be kept under control. In short, this is an important result that projects us towards an even more ambitious future full of challenges, the first of which concerns the increase in production capacity. Challenges that will make it possible to meet the expectations of the building integrated photovoltaic market, increasingly interested in the innovative product of Glass to Power.