Glass to Power is a company recognised for its innovative character and its ability to develop and supply high-tech materials and equipment. In fact, the inventions for which Glass to Power holds intellectual property rights are recognised both nationally and internationally.

Below are the patent families belonging to Glass to Power.

Quantum Dot-Luminescent Solar Concentrator (QD-LSC)

Colorless luminescent solar concentrator, free of heavy metals, based on at least ternary chalcogenide semiconductor nanocrystals with absorption extending to the near infrared region

Large area luminescent solar concentrator based on indirect band-gap semiconductor nanocrystals

QD-LSC Photovoltaic Insulating Glass Unit

Insulating glazing with luminescent solar concentrator for production of electrical energy

Nanocomposite Scintillator

Multi-component composite scintillator for detection of ionising radiation and neutrons